Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio-economic development


Current Position Retired Professor, Ege University, Izmir, Turkiye Phone No.
Born in Srinagar, Kashmir in 06/12/1943 Year Elected 2020
Email [email protected]
University of Jammu & Kashmir, KASHMIR: M.Sc. (Botany), 1964; Ege University-Izmir, Turkiye: PhD (Ecology), 1970.; D.Sc. Ege University -Izmir, Turkiye; Full Professor,1980 Ege University -Izmir, Turkiye.
Positions Held
Rtd. Professor, Ege University, Izmir-Turkiye-2000: Vice President, Islamic World Academy of Sciences:2017 onwards; Founding Director Centre for Environmental Studies, Ege University, Turkiye: 1990-2000; Chairman, Botany Department, Ege University: 1982-1984; Director Botanical Garden Ege University,1982-1984.
TUBITAK Scientific Publication Awards (15) 1996-2009. Turkish Biological Society 30 Years Services Award, 1993. Certificates of Honour- in Pollution Control Studies and Biodiversity, Municipalities of Kusadası, Soke,Izmir, Urla-Turkiye: 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997 Certificates of Honour-Environmental Protection & Res. Foundation, Izmir, Turkiye: 1991,1996,1997 OLEYİS Labour Foundation for Social Security & Assistance Award- Tourism and Environment Competition, Ankara, Turkiye: 1997. Izmir Governorate Awards for Assistance to Foreign Students (5): 1997, 2001 Newly recorded plant species from Turkey in my name: Sideritis ozturkii; Verbascum ozturkii.
Fellowships / Memberships
AvH-Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship: 1977-1978,1979,1986,1993 JSPS-Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship:1984-1985. National Science Foundation Researcher- USA: 1997-1998 Fellow Islamic Academy of Science: 2000 onwards Consultant Fellow, Faculty of Forestry, Univ. of Putra Malaysia, Selangor- Malaysia: 2012-2013,2016 Distinguished Visiting Scientist, ICCBS, Karachi Univ., Pakistan:2013- 2014. 25 Board Memberships in International Journals Total Citations: 15043; h-index: 051; i-index: 376 Ranking Alper-Doger Scientific Index: University= 3; Turkey= 87; Regional = 08.323; Global = 27.831
Research Area
1. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 2. Eco-Physiology, Conservation & Management of Plant Diversity 3. Pollution, Biomonitoring, Wastewater Renovation 4. Biosaline Agriculture 5. Biomass & Bioenergy
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