Riaz H. Qureshi

Current Position | Phone No. | (92-51) 90400400 | |
Born in | Tehsil Kharian Gujrat, Pakistan in 05/17/1943 | Year Elected | 2003 |
[email protected] |
University of Agriculture (WPAU, Lyallpur), Faisalabad: B.Sc. Agri., 1962; M.Sc. Agri., 1964; University of Bangor, Wales, UK:
Ph.D., 1969.
Positions Held
Advisor (Human Resource Development), Higher Education Commission (HEC), 2010-2013; Advisor (QA & LI), HEC, 2004-
2010; Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), 1999-2004; Professor Emeritus, UAF, 2004 to date; Dean,
Faculty of Agriculture, UAF, 1998-1999; Director Research, UAF, 1996-1997; Chairman, Department of Soil Science, UAF,
1991-1997; Professor, Dept. of Soil Science, UAF, 1987-2004; Salinity Expert, Islamic Development Bank, Sultanate of Oman,
1994-1995; Nominee of HEC on Selection Board, Syndicate and Senate of various Universities; Postdoc, 1983; Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, USA: Postdoc, 1989.
Pride of Performance (Agri), 1997; Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Award, 1994; Sir William Roberts Shield, 1992; Golden Star by
National Farm Guide Council of Pakistan, 1987; 11th Golden Star Award for Man of the Year, 2000; Agha Hassan Abedi Prize
by Pakistan Academy of Sciences for Best Scientist of the Year, 2000; Research Productivity Allowance, Pakistan Council for
Science & Technology; Nominee of Govt. of Pakistan for World Food Prize, 2005.
Fellowships / Memberships
President Soil Science Society of Pakistan Member of all important national committees and institutional committees on Soil Salinity Chief Editor (8 years)Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences Member Syndicate University of Agriculture Faisalabad Member Steering Committee International Irrigation Management Institute Member Research Advisory Committees of PARC and NIBGE
Research Area
Saline Agriculture Soil Salinity Drought Tolerance of Plants