Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio-economic development

Call for Papers 2020: Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences

HEC Recognized, Category X; PM&DC Recognized

Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, published since 1964, are quarterly journal of the Academy. It publishes original research papers and reviews in basic and applied sciences. Since March 2016, the Proceedings have been bifurcated into Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A) Physical and Computational Sciences; and B) Life and Environmental Sciences. All papers are peer reviewed. This open access journal publishes research papers in Engineering Sciences & Technology, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Physical Sciences. State-of-the-art reviews summarizing R&D in a particular area of science, especially in the context of Pakistan, and suggesting further R&D are also considered. Manuscripts undergo double-blind review.

The journals are covered by Print and Online ISSN and are distributed to scientific organizations and universities throughout the country and to international scientific organizations, by subscription and on exchange basis. These are abstracted in Biological Abstracts, Physical Sciences Abstracts, Chemical Sciences Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Scopus, Elsevier Products and many other abstracting and indexing services.

Journals Details:

1. Type: Online and Print Journal

2. Journals Details:   A) Physical and Computational Sciences

                                    B) Life and Environmental Sciences

3. Paper Template available at

4. Manuscripts may be submitted as email attachment at [email protected] or Submit online at

5. Instructions for Authors:

You are invited to submit your research papers, and critical reviews for possible inclusion in the upcoming issue of the journal. For any further information, please contact us

Editorial Office

Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences

3-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad

Tel: +92 51 920 7140

Email: [email protected]


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