Webinar/Hybrid Workshop on “Higher Education in Pakistan: Challenges, Opportunities, Solutions” Islamabad; November 17, 2021
Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) is organizing a
webinar/hybrid workshop on “Higher Education in Pakistan: Challenges, Opportunities, Solutions” scheduled on Nov. 17, 2021, in the Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Specifically, the webinar is designed to:
- Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the existing
higher education system – Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran - Evaluate emerging trends and challenges to higher education in Pakistan – Engr.
Ahmed Farooq Bazai - Perform a critical analysis of the problems of Higher Education in Pakistan:
Possible Solutions – Dr. Abdullah Sadiq - Devise/Formulate a way forward to further augment the Higher Education Policy
& Research in Pakistan to mitigate the Challenges in Transformation of the Society
– Mr. Mian Imran Masood
Guest Speakers (Former HEC Chairmen)
- Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rahman
- Dr. Javaid Laghari
- Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed
- Dr. Tariq Banuri
Registration / Participation
There is no registration fee for participation in the Webinar. Academicians, Scientists, Research scientists & Engineers, Education Experts, University Faculty Members, Post-doctoral researchers, Faculty and as well as Fresh graduate/Postgraduate students are encouraged to participate in the event on a first-come and first-served basis. Interested participants may access the Online Registration at
and details are available on the PAS website at https://www.paspk.org/
The last date for submission to Webinar Secretariat is Nov. 10, 2021.
Click Here to Download the Tentative Program of the same.
For further information, please Contact:
PAS Secretariat:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 051 9204843
*No TA/DA or accommodation will be provided by the Activity Secretariat/organizers for
participation in the event.