Visit of Delegation of Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran
A four Member delegation of the officials of the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran visited the Pakistan Academy of Sciences on May 12, 2022, at the invitation of Prof. Dr. M. Qasim Jan, Fellow PAS and Former President PAS to briefly discuss the role of PAS and the possibilities for the establishment of a long-term mutually beneficial relationship between the two academies based on scientific cooperation, collaboration, scholarly research activities and academic exchange of professional personnel ideas.
Prof. Dr. Tasawar Hayat (Sec. General, PAS) welcomed the visiting delegation and explained the organizational structure, aims and objectives, national and international collaboration aspects, and salient achievements of the Academy since its inception. In this regard, an Initial draft of the Memorandum of Understanding for Academic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) was shared.
Prof. Dr. M. Qasim Jan (Fellow PAS and Former President PAS), Prof. Dr. Tasawar Hayat (Sec. General, PAS), Prof. Dr. M. Asif Khan (Fellow PAS), Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari (Fellow PAS) and Dr. Riffat M. Qureshi, Dir. Administration PAS attended the meeting.